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The Chrysanthemum and the Sword of One Piece: The History of Japanese Samurai Swords and the Origin of Legendary Katana Muramasa

“One Piece” | Japanese Traditional Culture Series The chrysanthemum is the imperial emblem of Japan, symbolizing gentleness, beauty, and seclusion. Whereas the sword represents the warrior culture of Japan, signifying strength, aggression, and brutality. In the cultural anthropological work “The Chrysanthemum and the Sword” by American anthropologist Ruth Benedict, the duality of the Japanese people […]

Should You Prioritize Aesthetic or Sharpness When Purchasing a Hand-Forged Samurai Katana for Sale?

For enthusiasts of the samurai katana, two critical factors often dominate the purchasing decision: aesthetics and sharpness. However, before acquiring a hand-forged samurai katana, it’s essential to understand the concepts of aesthetics and sharpness and how they differ within the realm of katana. This article delves deep into both these factors and provides insights into […]

Is every Japanese sword a katana?

When it comes to Japanese swords, the word “katana” often springs to mind. Its iconic curved blade, single-edged design, and historical significance have made the katana one of the most recognized swords in the world. But is every Japanese sword a katana? Let’s delve into the world of Japanese blades to find out. The Katana: […]

Deciphering the Price of Authentic Katana Swords: Katana for Sale and More

The allure of owning a genuine katana, also known as “nihonto” in Japan, is undeniable. However, potential buyers often wonder about the cost of these iconic swords and where to find katana for sale. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that influence the price of real katana swords, discuss samurai swords for sale, and […]

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