Dao (刀)

The Chinese Dao (刀), often referred to as the “Chinese Saber,” stands as a traditional Chinese sword distinguished by its curved, single-edged blade. At Ab Sword, we take pride in the meticulous craftsmanship of our Chinese Dao swords, handcrafted using top-quality materials, including high carbon steel and authentic buffalo horn for the handle. Our artisans adhere to time-honored forging techniques to fashion Chinese Dao swords that seamlessly blend beauty and functionality. These swords cater to collectors, martial artists, and enthusiasts alike.

Whether you seek a classic design or a more intricate piece adorned with detailed engravings and fittings, our diverse range of Chinese Dao swords is designed to meet your preferences. Explore our collection today and discover the Chinese Dao sword that perfectly aligns with your taste and requirements. Elevate your collection or martial arts practice with an exceptional Chinese Dao from Ab Sword.

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