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Deciphering the Price of Authentic Katana Swords: Katana for Sale and More

The allure of owning a genuine katana, also known as “nihonto” in Japan, is undeniable. However, potential buyers often wonder about the cost of these iconic swords and where to find katana for sale. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that influence the price of real katana swords, discuss samurai swords for sale, and […]

Where to Find Authentic Katana Swords?Japan or

The allure of a katana sword is undeniable. It embodies elegance, rich history, legend, and the spirit of Japan’s commitment to spiritual art, harmony, and balance. It’s no wonder many individuals are eager to discover where they can buy a katana. While you can find katana swords almost anywhere, caution is essential to avoid falling […]

Advantages of T10 Steel Katana Sword

What is T10 steel?T10 steel is a high speed tool steel made from carbon and tungsten. The T in the name stands for tungsten and the 10 stands for the carbon content, which is 1.0%. t10 carbon steel is tungsten-based, which is why it is categorized as a high-speed steel. High speed steels are very […]

Swords of Iron

Unveiling the Timeless Artistry of Swords of Iron

In a world filled with mass-produced gadgets and fleeting trends, there’s something undeniably captivating about owning a sword crafted with timeless artistry. At Absword, we take pride in offering you an exquisite collection of Swords of Iron, each a testament to the craftsmanship and heritage that makes owning one a truly exceptional experience. The Legacy […]

How to Sharpen a Katana

Essential Tips for Katana Sharpening

When it comes to owning a katana, maintaining its sharpness is crucial not only for its functionality but also for its historical and aesthetic value. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential tips for sharpening your katana effectively.How to Sharpen a Katana? Essential Tips Every Swordsman Should Know! 1. Gather the Right Tools […]

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